Monday, February 26, 2007

Blackwater Wins Third Place!

They say “tying” is like kissing your sister and “second place” just means you lost. But, let me tell you a secret – a “Third Place” can be the real winner. “Third Place”, besides defining your place in a contest, is a term used by sociologist Ray Oldenburg, in his classic book “The Great Good Place”. Your “first place” is your home, your “second place” is where you work, and the “Third Place” is somewhere in the neighborhood where people can meet, talk, hang, and “just be” together. It’s not exclusionary; it doesn’t cost a ton to be there; and it creates environments where people in the community can begin to know and trust each other. Whether it’s a pub, club, café, park, or plaza “Third Places” are winners.

Blackwater Café in downtown Tacoma currently ranks as one of the best friggin’ Third Places on the downtown planet. It’s not just some chain restaurant or coffee shop, it’s a “downtown place.” It’s unique to the neighborhood; you can’t find one in Seattle; and it’s one of the best expressions of culture our community has. The conversational seating, the “dope” baristas, the artistry, the community info hub, and the entrepreneurial spirit lend to a vibe “where everybody knows your name.”

McDonalds is built to move customers quickly. Starbucks imports their “art” from God knows where. Tully’s charges for wireless internet. Even the classier local joints around town are often built for privacy (otherwise known as isolation). But then there’s Blackwater…

Blackwater is the future of good urban development. It is a “social condenser.” People who come aren’t just customers, they are regulars, or even friends. It doesn’t exist just to make money (although they deserve to make a hell of a lot). Instead, this “third place” sets out to build social networks, to bring Tacoma to life through art and music, and to give a sense of belonging to the members of the community. I’ll go to Blackwater any day (if not everyday)!


daniel blue said...

The blackwater is a place. but what happens when i work there? it becomes my second place...and my third place.

Jen said...

I'm meeting someone there tomorrow. I need a new coffee shop.

Thank you for the linkage, by the way! (to tacomamama) I am linking you back.

Erik B. said...

Blackwater rules.

I cannot believe it took me 10 months to find this blog.